When the Fusion Eyewear brand was created in 2003, it was literally a dream come true for company founders Alan & Leslie Weisfeld; they had 40 years of combined creative experience and a lifelong dream to offer edgy, high-quality eyewear and unparalleled customer service. Two decades later, Fusion eyewear has surpassed their wildest expectations! Fusion Eyewear is at the forefront of the boutique eyewear industry, and we encourage you to visit our showroom at Burrow’s & Mr. Frank’s Optical to see our current inventory!

We’re proud to carry Arkansas’ most extensive and eclectic selection of luxury brand glasses and sunglasses, and we’re proud to carry Fusion Eyewear. Fusion takes pride in staying fresh and in front of the trends in a relentless pursuit of the finest products, and they work closely with their designers to constantly introduce innovative products and new frame technology. We have a team of licensed opticians with over 75 years of experience, and we hand-pick fashion eyeglasses and sunglasses each time one of our designers releases a new product line. Visit our showroom during business hours to check out our current inventory of these great product lines from Fusion, and feel free to try on as many pairs as you like!

Catherine De’ Medici eyeglasses and sunglasses for men and women are available in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary designs. You can choose a pair of classy, understated rimless eyeglasses or oversized cat-eye sunglasses in custom colors with chunky acetate frames. The Catherine De’ Medici line of eyeglasses is available in butterfly, cat-eye, oval, polygon, rimless, round, and oval shapes and includes customizable leather eyewear.

There’s nothing common about the Common Ground Eyewear line! The Common Ground line of acetate eyewear comes in eye-catching geometric shapes and can add a great pop of color to an otherwise dull outfit!

The Giorgio Nannini line of acetate fashion eyewear is a great way to add a real touch of class to your everyday wardrobe. Giorgio Nannini frames feature classic designs with contemporary flair in a variety of horn-rimmed, hexagonal, and round shapes.

Call 501-664-9350 or contact us online if you have any questions, and visit our store in the Heights during business hours so we can help you find the perfect pair of Fusion fashion eyewear!